Saturday, June 25, 2011

It's been a while!

I am officially on summer break!  My school year went 2 weeks longer than everyone else, because I attended a scoring conference and took on 2 weeks of extended school year.  It was nice to work with the Life Skills kiddos again, but I am glad to have this time to recharge and prepare for another school year! 

I'm enjoying lazy mornings with Natalie and getting to do all of the fun things I miss out on during the school year.  We've been to all of the parks in the area including the sprinkler park (her favorite)!  You would think my eating would be better having all of this time, but I find it to be a bit more difficult.  I have access to food all day here, while at school I only have certain times without students.  It is a moot point with vacation coming up anyway :)

Our CSA shares have been wonderful!  It really does make a difference to have vegetables a day or two after they are picked ripe.  Natalie comes with me to pick it up each week.  Who knew a 2 year old could be so excited over vegetables!  Our first share had broccoli and the whole way home she kept saying "Mommy, I eat bocci!!!"  I've gotten her involved in some of the prep, too.  There are so many things I've never cooked with before - like swiss chard, fresh garlic (before the 'papery' surrounding forms).  She loves to "chop" with a plastic knife and whisk anything that needs it...even things that don't.